Hi My name is Khac Cong, I am from Viet Nam, Nice to meet you 1/6/2021

#Game #Minecraft #StayHomeWithMe @Khac Cong

Hey guy. Do you want add friend with me? Talk with me and request friend for me. I will accept and we are playing game.

Thank so much for your donate Alexander Tan 22/1/2021.

Thank so much for your donate Leah Cullen.
Thank so much for your donate Brontozorous "I love this stream, I had to spend a dollar directly from my bank account. Love from Brazil".
Thank so much for your donate BRODIE ZOLKOS,
Thank so much for your donate Patrick donated $3.00.
Thanks Khac! Love the videos from here in England :)
Thank so much for your donate TillyWallace donated $3.00.
Love your videos from England- they’ve brought us a lot of joy!
Thank so much for your donate garynzilla donated $1.00.

Thank so much for your donate Bell Luna.
Thank so much for your donate Kat Wonders.
Thank for your donate Randy Mcnaughton.
Thank you Perji for your donate.
I Killed Deadpool robot.
Hoang Sa and Truong Sa islands belong to Vietnam.
Donate Please: https://streamlabs.com/videoshotfunny/tip
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/khaccong90/?hl=vi

Thank you jdlancaster(Jeff Lancaster), the first time I was donated. I'm very happy.

I'm poor.
More and more people are infected with the virus covid 19.

Good luck to who is watching the stream. Vietnamese young men play style games - guerrilla-Name Khac Cong.
Phim bá vương học đường vs thiếu gia:

Double Victory Arena Fortnite with Văn Đạt and Hào Bắn Ngu.
Phim Việt Nam