“When It Appears Not To Be Working, Just Keep Trying Till It Does” Bishop McLaughlin (Message Only)

An absolutely explosive time of worship was experienced by all today at our campus and virtually! Our Bishop delivered a message of exhortation entitled, “When It Appears To Not be Working, Just Keep Trying ‘Til It Does”. Success is usually never instant. History indicates that many who have realized great success have also realized great failure. So many times, in the life of the believer, our weariness gets the best of our well-doing. However, faint not for your deliverance or victory may well be closer than you think! Do not give up; keep trying. If that doesn’t work, try again, and again and again until something happens. If you’ve EVER doubted, EVER had your faith tested, or EVER asked God why THIS IS YOUR MESSAGE! If it appears to not be working, just keep trying until it does!
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